It is evident that the Devil speaks to us. His plan is to make us disobey God and His word. 

Therefore we need to study the ways through which the Devil deceives (speaks) to us.

These are some of thea ways to know (recognize) the voice of the Devil 

1. The voice of the Devil causes you to doubt and disbelieve all that God is and stands for. Gen. 3:1

2. The voice of the Devil causes you to disobey the word of God. Gen 3:4-7

3. The voice of the Devil leads you to worship and please yourself. Matt. 4:1-3, 5-6

Any perceived leading that is for your glory and pleasure is not from God.

4. The tone of His Voice brings fear and pressure. Gen 3:4-7

Intimacy with God helps us far from the voice of the Devil

5. The Devil’s voice, when spiritually discerned runs contrary to the scripture. John 8:8:44

Conclusion: The best way to discern the Devil’s voice is to meet with God in His word and a deep relationship with Him.

Prayer Point: 
Father make me sensitive to your voice always to get directions from you.