As could be seen clearly from the Scriptures, God is first and foremost the God of the family before He became that of the Church. This assertion is based on the fact that the first institution God established was the family and in the end God’s intention is to wrap up his redemptive programme making family of all nations of the World, He being our father, Christ being our elder brother and the church, being our mother.
Ephesians 5: tells us that the institution of family is a divine mystery.
So, to build our families, there is a need to go back to and rediscover God’s own purpose, plan and pattern for building the family. God is a God of principles. Thus His principles must be obeyed to be able to experience His plan for marriage.

1. THE FAMILY MUST BE A SEPARATE FAMILY: By this one means a family that lives different from the prevalent immoral and ungodly socio-cultural and worldly system of this age. It must be a family separated unto God- a family whose God is the Jehovah. Gen 12:1-4
The family must stand away /different from the prevailing cultural system-asa ati agbekale awon eniyan nipa eeto ebi ati idile. The emphasis is on runinng the family on salvation & biblical experiences...

2. THE FAMILY MUST BE PATTERNED AFTER GOD’S STRUCTURE FOR THE FAMILY: (Eph. 5:21-23, 25; Gen 2:21-22). The Husband functions as the Head and the Wife as the Rib.
(a) The Man Must Function as the Head in Love: Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
The husband as the head represents the divine authority figure in the family, to be respected and obeyed by all in the family. He is not meant to be a burden, a boss, or a bully, but rather a leader that leads the family into fulfilling God’s intended purpose. He is supposed to be a cover for all in the family. 1 Cor 11:3(KJV), Eph 5:25-29(KJV, NLT)

(b) The wife functioning as the Rib in Submission: the pillar of support for the body-the body structure is built around the ribs. The woman is the helper and the pillar of destiny. She is to be honoured and protected. Gen 2:21-23(KJV). Sarah supported and submitted to Abraham in all things… Eph 5:22-24(KJV, NLT)

(c) The Children being raised in pattern of obedience: Eph 6:1-3(NLT, KJV)
3. THE FAMILY MUST BE COMMITTED TO A LIFE OF INTENTIONAL OBEDIENCE: (Gen. 12:1-4; Gen. 26:5; Heb. 11:8; Gen. 22:15-18). Abraham was obedient in all things to God-to leave Haran, to sacrifice Isaac, to engage in the covenant of circumcision; so also Isaac obeyed when commanded not to go down to Egypt- Gen. 26:1-6; Jacob obeyed when asked to go back to Bethel-Gen 35:1ff. Therefore the family stood out and is still standing out-well-favoured till today. Gen 12:1-4, Gen 26:5

It is only when the family fulfils conditions like these that the favour of God as promised concerning our children in Isa 61:9 (And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed. KJV) will be fulfilled and generations around and after us will see us as having experienced the favour of the LORD. We must position our families in the place of obedience, then God’s favour will naturally follow. Know this: It is foolish and foolhardy to be praying for favour when one is not favourable.

Lord I commit my family into your hands; build it for me. you will bring peace, love, joy and peace into my family.