There is a seed of SUCCESS and GREATNESS in every man/woman born into this world, and you are of no exception. He says in Gen. 1: 26 be fruitful………………. Have dominion over all the earth. Greatness, success, excellence is not determined by you, nativity, race, gender or location, it is determined by right attitude, disposition, character, habit, way of life towards life There are a number of attitudes that promote a man to higher attitude, greatness, and stardom and they are indispensable. To ignore them is to dig your pit of failure. But you don’t have to be a failure in life while there is already a free provision to be an outstanding success.


i Righteousness is living/acting in accordance with what is right in the sight of God/according to God’s standard.

ii Righteousness is conforming/yielding to God’s moral standard.

iii To live righteous is to live straight, no crookedness, no shade dealing, living just, honest and true.
This is important because it is the foundational key to rising to stardom: 1 Sam 26:23, 2 Sam. 22:22-25, Prov. 11:5-6, Prov. 14:34, Ps. 45:7,
* Every High flier in the past were people committed to right living

i Thomas Edison – The inventor of electric bulb

ii Abraham Lincoln – The best President America ever had

iii Noah Webster – Webster Dictionary

iv Isaac Newton – Law of gravity

v Michael Faraday –

vi Righteousness takes a man up, keeps him there.

Willingness and readiness to submit one’s self to learning and making changes.
This is necessary because:

i We never rise above our information

ii New information always creates a need to change something which you are doing.

iii You cannot change what happens to you until you change what you know

* Life will be a constant series of promotion to anyone who is flexible and teachable.

Diligence is a steady effort; careful hard work to make things happen. Diligence is a dogged determination and energetic pursuit of a goal you desire and respect
N.B. There is no poverty that can overtake diligence
God reacts strongly to any Christian who is diligent in business.
*Give yourself to hard work; avoid laziness, indolence, layabout, and unnecessary roaming.

Patience could be defined as the ability to hold on in any painful unwelcomed circumstances. Patience implies ability to co-operate with God’s timing for your life/breakthrough e.g Thomas Edison Patience and endurance: the queen of all virtues: Billy Graham

 The perceived success or achievements of other people around you may set you impatient  Your association with gifted people/proud people  When your age mates have already made it – academically, maritally etc

Giving, giving, giving with a liberal heart to God, to man, to those who blesses your life, friends, etc Bedford was a Giver/Thither
*Generosity is a key to open up good relationship. Learn to give your way to the top.

i.Give what you have

ii.Give out from what you do

iii.Give out from who you are.