Understanding What The Church Is - Biblical Church Membership


TEXT: ACTS. 2:37-47 One of the basic foundations of the Christian faith is correct Church membership. Many problems in the Church today and the personal lives of many people could be traced to poor or a lack of understanding of what the Church is or stands for and the role it plays in becoming all that God wants them to be. Our study from today is to help us develop a proper understanding of what the Church of Jesus Christ is and stands for in the midst of this perverse generation.

The word ‘Church’ comes form the Greek word “ekklesia” meaning “the called out ones”. The word was first found in Matt. 16:18 and was spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. Later, Paul described the Church as “the house of God that is the Church of the living God, the pillar and the ground of the truth.” I Tim. 3:15. So then the Church is an assembly of the called-out ones, those who have come out of sin into the marvelous light of the gospel by the blood of Jesus Christ though a definite act of repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:1-7; Acts 20:28; 2:38-41; Rom. 5:1-2; Rev. 1:5; 5:9)

The New Testament word “Ekklesia” describes two main concepts:
1. The Universal (invisible) Church - Matt. 18: 15-17. Heb. 12:22-23. Ekklessia, the Greek word for the Church, is used 115 times in the Bible. Generally speaking, it refers to the body of believers, the Universal Church: the past, the present and the future members.
2. The Local (visible) Church Phil. 2; Rev. 2:8, 12, 18: 3:1, 7. A local group of believers (called by God to member the Church with a pastor also called by God to lead God’s people) who meets regularly for Christian fellowship, edification, revival and specific Christian service (vision and mission) is also referred to as a local Church.
3. It is not every worship center that is a (local) Church, fellowships are not Church, they are at best fellowships. For a Church to be, there must be a commission (vision and mission like the Antioch Church – Acts 13:1ff), a called pastor, (and assisting pastors), and called members.
4. The Church is a Family of believers in Jesus Christ whose Father is God and Jesus the First born and all believers are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. Rom. 1:1-7; 8:14-17; Gal. 1:3-4.
5. The Church is the instrument through which God enforces His will here on earth – Matt. 16:17-18; 18:15-20.

1. The Church of the Lord is not an organization founded or owned by any man to commandeer people as he/she likes and to do as the person likes. Such an organization is better described as an empire. The Church is a body owned by God – Acts 22:28; I Pet. 5:1-4.
2. The Church of Jesus Christ is not a group set up by a group of individuals with common interests and as such people take primacy in the leadership and direction of the Church. Such organization is better described a union, club, guild or cooperative bodies. The body of believers is the Church of God; neither our Church nor my family Church. See I Cor. 1:2; 10:32; 2 Cor. 1:1.
3. The Church is not a building, though members possibly worship in a building. It is an assembly of redeemed people bounded together by their loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ. There are possibly bodies of believers who do not have specific locations for their place of worships, especially in areas where Christians are severely persecuted.

Based on our study today, what are the implications of the following?
? The biblical meaning of what the Church is.
? The Pictures of the Church in the New Testament.
? Our understanding of what the Church is not.

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