MESSAGE : Power In The Blood

Text : Exodus 12:1-14, 21-25

The Scriptures says “the Lord is a man of war; the Lord is His name.” And as a man of war God has different weapons to fight his enemies; and he employs diverse means and strategies to defeat, confuse and confound his enemies.

God has never in history and eternity lost any battle and can never and will never lose any for all authority, dominion, and power are his from eternity to eternity. His weapons and strategies always look very simple but they are very powerful and potent. For David, it was a sling and five stones; for Jehoshaphat it was a weapon of praise; for Daniel it was prayer, for Joshua it was a weapon of circling the wall for it to fall down, at some other times it was thunderstorms and lightenings from heaven. God always gives weapons to his soldiers as needed for every battle.

Most of the times when God wants to finish up his enemies and those of His people, he employs a special weapon he keeps in reserve/arsenal for a final showdown and that is the weapon of the blood. The first demon that first tasted of this weapon was Pharaoh the king of Egypt and his hosts. Pharaoh was a type of Satan and his armies a type of demons. God had as his plan the release of the Israelites his covenant people but Pharaoh had been resistant and adamant.

God had sent disease, pestilence, drought, fire, hail, stone, darkness, etc, yet Pharaoh would not bulge. Then God spoke in Exodus 11:1 At this point for the Israelites sacrifice a lamb-an animal that was a used as a foreshadow of the Lamb of God-Jesus Christ. God was dramatising and prophesying of what Jesus Christ would later do with His own very life.

For John said a thousand years later…Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1:29 KJV and Paul also by revelation declared that… For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: 1 Cor 5:7. The implication is this: when the lamb was being sacrificed and the Passover was being observed it was a prophetic declaration of what Christ would later come to fufill.

The blood shed prophetically was looking forward to the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross of Calvary and this blood is a great weapon of warfare.


1 The Blood is a weapon of Mass Destruction: Ex 12:12 
Destruction to the enemies; judgement to the gods and the oppressors-Egypt represents in your life-servitude, slavery, tears, sickness, oppressions, bad dreams, suppression, For God hath said

2 The Blood is a weapon of Divine Protection Ex 12:13a 
An angel of destruction was released by God to avenge his enemies and we know by Scriptures that such angels are usually thirsty for blood.(Example abound in the case of David in I Chronicles 21:11-16 & II Kings 19:32 : 185,000 soldiers.).
 The blood on the lintel provided a divine immunity, a divine exemption for the people of Israel though they dwelled in the land of destruction. This is true of the Word of God that says

3 The Blood is a weapon of Divine Exemption Ex 12:13b:
And the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. A plague is an epidemic disease: a disease that spreads rapidly through a population, killing a great many people, or an outbreak of such a disease. The blood of Jesus is your vaccination, is your immunization, is your insurance cover against all diseases released by the enemy to terminate and frustrate people’s lives and destiny.

4 The Blood is a weapon of Total Redemption Eph 1:7:
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Redemption means buying back of something:
The term is used to describe freeing someone from chains, slavery, or prison. The term as used has a legal meaning.
The verb padah is used when an animal substitutes for (or redeems) a person or another animal. The noun derived from the root word means the ransom or the price paid. When a living being, person or animal, needs to be redeemed, the substitution must be made, or price paid. Here Christ is our substitute and so the devil no more has any legal hold on the believer. Jesus paid with his own blood to free us and all that belong to us.

5 The Blood is a weapon of Total DeliveranceZech.9:11.

6 The Blood is a weapon of Total Victory Rev 11:12 Rev 12:7-11

7 The blood is a weapon of Perfect Remission Matt 26:28; Heb 9:22; Jn 19:34
The blood is a weapon of cleansing Heb 9:22; Exod 12: 31-33, 40-42. If the blood of an animal could secure deliverance, protection, redemption, remission…etc. for the Israel of old, how much more will the blood of Jesus Christ the true Lamb of God secure better promises for us the new Israel.
There is life in the blood.
There is power in the blood
The blood speaks better things … Heb 12:24
The blood can never lose its power…
The devil can not cross the blood line…