MESSAGE : Living For A Difference


This world, philosophically, is like a market place fall of people of diverse kinds. In reality everyone is expected to trade with divinely-invested potentials in us like talents, privilege, opportunities, grace etc; but most persons in the market place of life are in the market as spectators, market speculators, market raiders. You here today are being shot as arrows of destinies into the market-place of this world, you've got to make up your mind whether or not your life will make a real positive difference.
Small minds live for only their immediate family like the man in Judges 10:3-5 3
If you are going to make a difference with your life, you must have some values like these afore¬mentioned people.

1. You must be a Person with a Dream and Vision: Gen 37:5 & Prov. 29:18.

Vision is the directions of life. It is a mental picture of a preferred future. It is the bridge between the present and the future. Vision is the guiding light of decision and choices. The difference you will make in life will be determined by the vision in your heart. What you see in your spirit is what you see in material reality.

2. You must Be A Person of Conviction And Strong Persuasion: Gen 37:5-6,9.

3. You must be Fluid, Bendable ,Open & Teachable

You must be open to new opportunities, you must be creative and innovative in your career and approach to life or else you become moribund and irrelevant.

4. You Must Carry God's Presence: Gen 39:2

God's presence made the real difference in the live Joseph whether in the pit, prison or palace. God is the ONLY indispensable factor in the equation of life if you would make a difference and shine out. Seek God; seek his face for ever more. He has said 'I will never leave you or forsake you.' When you carry God's presence, doors open for you supernaturally; kings and princes give attention to you; governors and presidents grant to you favour unsolicited, you become the toast of your oppressors. So make sure that the Lord is with you for one with God is more than majority.

5. You Must Be Diligent: Gen 39:4.

Hard work and diligence are virtuous values one cannot do without if one would make a difference in life. Unfortunately these values are fast giving way to short-cuts and corruption in various sectors of the society. Hard work presupposes a commitment to producing something with energy and industriousness. Diligence suggests a dogged determination and energetic pursuits of a goal you desire and respect. The two concepts connote a steady effort to make things happen in spite of prevailing challenges. Someone has rightly said, "there is no poverty that can overtake diligence". Solomon also writes, "The hand of the diligent maketh rich." (Proverbs 10:24).He writes further "a diligent man is a leader. "(Proverbs 12:24) and leaders dictate to followers. Not only this, a diligent man is an honourable high-flyer. (Proverbs 22:29). You don't sleep and wake up anyhow. For yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man. Prov 6:10-11 KJV Don't laze around, invest your time something worthwhile. Prov 6:6-9
6. You must be a Person of Integrity and must be Trustworthy: Gen. 39:7-12.
Joseph here could be trusted with money, women and position. He was tested and trusted. His yes was yes and no, no. Joseph was a person with sound moral conscience.

7. You must be committed to a Life of Persistence; Matt 10:22

Persistence is the quality of continuing steadily despite problems or obstacles. Persistence bespeaks tenacity, perseverance, doggedness, resolution, dedication and devotion to what you believe in and are pursuing. It is an ability to keep on in the face of obstacles and disturbances. Getting to the top and winning life's battles is rough and tough and the way to success has many rough edges. This is a reality you must face.

I share with you a profile of a man who continually touches my heart due to his persistence.

History has it that he was a victim of epilepsy, but in spite of this limitation, was an example of persistence. When he was 7 years of age, his family was forced out of their home, and he went to work. When he was 9, his mother died. He lost his job as a store clerk when he was 20. He wanted to go to law school, but he didn't have the education. At 22, he failed in business. At age 23 he went into debt to be a partner in a small store. Three years later the business partner died, and the resulting debt took years to repay. Also at 23, he ran for legislature, At 25, he was elected in to legislature,
At 26, his sweetheart died suddenly,
His son died at 4 years of age,
At 27, he suffered nervous breakdown (mild madness),
At 29, he was defeated for Speakership,
At 31, he was defeated for Elector,
At 34, he was defeated for Congress,
At 37, he was elected for Congress,
At 46, he was defeated for Senate,
At 47, was defeated for Vice Presidency,
At 49, was defeated for Senate. As you would expect, he went back home, but only to re-arm himself. He never gave up. The more he failed, the higher he aspired. Finally, at 51, he contested and became the President of the United States of America.
He was Abraham Lincoln.

Such was a man who demonstrated persistence. You just can't do without persistence if you are committed to winning in life. The winning way is not an easy way, but defeat is costlier than winning. Dare to be a winner.

Every noble work is at first impossible. The man who removed the mountain began by carrying away the small stones. Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking until he finishes the job he starts. Do you know the story of the two frogs that fell into a bucket of cream? They tried very hard to get out by climbing up the side of the bucket. But each time they slipped back again. Finally one frog said: 'We'll never get out of here. I give up.' So down he went and drowned.

The other frog decided to keep trying. Again and again he tried to climb with his front legs and kicked with his back legs. Suddenly he hit something hard. He turned to see what it was and discovered that all his kicking had churned up a lump of butter! He hopped on top of it and leaped out in safety. But the other died there because he gave up. On his voyage, which resulted in the discovery of America, Columbus refused to listen to the threats of his sailors.

As day after day no land appeared, the sailors threatened to mutiny and demanded that they turn back. Columbus would not listen and each day entered two words in the ship's log, 'Sailed on'. This he did persistently until the goal was achieved. A story is told of a suitor in Wales who was rebuffed for forty-two years, but eventually won his fair lady. After writing 2,184 love letters, the persistent but rather shy man, receiving neither written nor spoken answer, summoned enough courage to present himself in person. He knocked on the lady's door and asked her hand. To his delight and surprise she accepted! The couple married at 74 years of age. Never give up until the dream is actualized and the goal is attained for then and only then you have something to show for your labour!

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