PSALM 32:8; 1 JOHN 4:1

God will surely speak to His own. People who have relationship with Him.
As we rap up our teaching on Divine Direction this month, it is imperative to know how to ascertain if God is directing you in what you are doing or what you intend to do.
So this morning, I am sharing with you on the subject “Indicators of Divine Direction”

1. PEACE – PS. 29:11; ISA. 26:3
- One way to know that God is leading is that you will enjoy peace.
- When you lack peace, it is a sign that God is not involved.
- As a single person, when you lack peace whenever the person that you intend getting married to come around, please check properly and when that persist do not go ahead with that marriage.
- Perhaps you want to negotiate a business deal which appears quite lucrative outwardly but whenever you want to talk about the business, peace leaves you, do not invest in that business.
- Absence of peace is an indication that God is not in it and that there is danger ahead which you have not seen.
- The proof of God’s leading is peace.

Jesus declares, ‘When I sent you out without purse and scrip, lack ye anything? And they said nothing’

- For every location God sent you, He will give adequate allocation. So there is God’s allocation for His location. If He is the one leading or sending you, then you will not lack anything good.
‘The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want’

‘The path of the just is like a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day’
- Whatever thing you are doing and progress is not recorded, kindly take a review of it.
- Peter toiled all not without catching a fish – Luke 5:3-6.
- However, when direction came, his frustration ended. He was able to catch fish from the same water.
- He depended so much on his experience and expertise in fishing and that failed him.
- There are many believers like Peter who do not seek direction in whatever they do because they believe so much in their professional expertise.
- In this same country and state when people are complaining that things are very hard, when you follow divine direction, you will find things very easy.
- When God gives you direction, frustration and toiling ends.
“Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.” Isa. 48:17

“Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.”

- If what you claim that God told you does not agree with the word of God, then it is not from God because He cannot contradict Himself.
- God’s word cannot fail to fulfil.

All you have heard me teach remains a provision reserved for the sons and daughters of God. Until you are born again you have no portion in it and cannot partake of this divine nature. To partake, say this prayer:

Lord Jesus I come to you today, I am a sinner, I cannot help myself. Forgive me all my sins, I believe in my heart that you died for me and you were raised up by God. Today I accept you Lord Jesus, as my Lord and Saviour. Cleanse me with your precious blood; deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for saving me now I know I am born again in Jesus name. Amen.