- Work alone does not equal results or success. It is only work done in the right direction that produces result.
- Science has established that, work is a force applied in the right direction. Therefore, whatever you are doing that is not in the right direction cannot produce or yield good results.
- The essence of direction is to eliminate sweat.
- Once you know what to do, you will have undeniable results because direction makes you a wonder.
- May your sweat be eliminated and your profit multiplied in Jesus name!
- In life, you do not triumph by energy but by divine direction. You may like a thing but that thing may not be as important as what God is directing you to do.
- Scripture says in Eccl. 10:15, “The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city”
- God does not want us to join the train of the foolish ones, hence He wants to direct us.
We looked at “Understanding Divine Direction and Its Benefits” last Sunday. Today, we are considering “Requirements for Divine Direction”
- You spiritual sensitivity is very vital in receiving divine direction.
- Spiritual sensitivity is the ability to tap into God’s mind through the power of the Holy Ghost; to respond to divine signal; to know what to do per time in order to get results.

“…as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
- God will never lead you if you are not His own. You must be born again.
- Until you are born again you cannot be led by God.
- Jesus says my sheep hears my voice.
- The Spirit of God cannot lead you until you are a son of God.
- Many believers understand vision but lack knowledge of direction
- Vision is the unfolding/understanding of God’s plan for your life while divine direction is the unfolding of the step by step of the plan God has for you. So it has to do with hearing God on a daily basis.
- Whatever God had assured you of, it will still require God’s direction for you to attain or possess it.

2. MEEKNESS – PSALM 25:9 “The meek will he guide in judgment and the meek will He teach His ways.” - God cannot guide or lead a man that does not have the spirit of meekness.
- There are some things God will do that you do not understand because Isaiah 55:8 says ‘my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts…’ hence, you have to be meek enough to accept His ways even when they do not conform to your desires or will or style.
- Even when you feel you are right, you have to accept God’s leading because He knows the end from the beginning.
- Moses enjoyed exceptional and continuous guidance from God because He was a very meek man.
- The Bible described Moses as the meekest man on the face of the earth.
- Sometimes you are tempted to feel that you have gone too far to respond to what God is saying.
- You will not get to your destination no matter how far you have gone if you are heading in the wrong direction.
- No matter how long you have gone in the wrong direction; the moment you are exposed to the truth, make a ‘U turn’
- Being meek is to agree with God to guide you.
- If God tells you that the man you are about to marry is not your husband, even if you have done introduction or traditional marriage or engagement, turn back.
- It is what God has joined together that you cannot put asunder.
- The truth is, when you are taking any step and God says stop! My beloved, please stop so that your disobedience does not stop you.

3. WALK BY FAITH – 2 COR. 5:7

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” - God led Abraham in Genesis 12:1-4 and he was able to follow God’s leading because of faith.
- When God is leading you to do something, you may not have the financial wherewithal but simply walk by faith and you will see god backing you up.
- It is not money first but your obedience is no 1.
- Every time you want His leading, take a step based on what He has said to you.

“Howbeit when the He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come”
- Many people know that the Holy Spirit is there but do not relate with Him.
- You relate with the Holy Spirit by consciously talk with Him concerning every step you want to take, no matter how little the issue is because He is closer to you than anyone else.
- One of the greatest neurosurgeons in the world wanted to know how he could separate a Siamese twin without losing any of them.
- The Holy Ghost showed Him a closed tap that was still dripping water after he knelt down to pray.
- The Spirit told him that he could control the blood that way (so blood does not stop completely) and still, will not disrupt the surgery.
- This was an inspiration from the Holy Spirit. He did not learn it from school. So, when you talk to Him, He can show you what others don’t know.

- Since God inhabits the praises of His people, you must be praiseful to enjoy divine direction.
- God does not like frowning faces. Be praiseful!

- You cannot be sensitive to His leading when you ignore prayer and fasting.
- Prayer is communicating with God. You must pray with understanding and also in tongues regularly (1 Cor. 14:2, 4, 15; Jude 20)
- Fasting helps you to bring your flesh under subjection to the Spirit in order to hear from God.
- The flesh must be in submission to the Holy Spirit for you to enjoy sensitivity.
- However, fasting without adequate word intake and prayer is hunger strike; and this will not give the desired results.

It is sad not to know where you are going in life and even sadder not to know how to get there.